Mobile payment in France: consumers aged 25-34 most eager to pay via smartphone
Among French consumers, 25-34 year-olds are the most keen to pay for purchases via their smartphone, according to a representative survey recently commissioned by Lyf, a French Fintech specializing in payment, with respondents aged between 16 and 65. In just one year, French practices have evolved significantly. Mobile payment France
The intentions of use are also booming, proof that mobile payment services are being democratized in France! Mobile payment France
Key findings in Mobile payment services survey: Mobile payment France
58% of French people say they know and use mobile payment in stores
61% digitize their loyalty cards (+5pts vs 2021)
47% of French people say they have already used a solution for viewing menus, orders or payment at the table at the restaurant (+8pts vs 2021)
42% of them send money to friends (+5pts vs 2021)
40% create or participate in online pots (+4pts vs 2021)
Keen on new things and often early adopters, 40% of 16-24 year olds have already paid a tip by QR coded.
How to explain such an evolution, in only one year?
Barrier gestures and digitization accelerated in the retail and catering sectors have been there. Some of the respondents say also have been reassured about the security of these services and the protection of their personal data and their means of payment.
Intentions to use on the rise among neophytes In the future, the majority of French people (69%) intend to use click and collect and more than half (56%) wish to order or pay at the table. Two items up 8 points from last year.
In-store mobile payment, whether “contactless” or by QR Code, is gaining in popularity with 63% and
39% of users respectively want to test it.
Finally, with the approach of sunny days and breaks on the terrace, 38% of French people would like to tip dematerialized.
The 25-34 year olds are those who project themselves the most into these new uses. Following trends closely,
responsible for home shopping and with a higher purchasing power than their younger siblings, this category of French is particularly enthusiastic about the idea of paying via smartphone.
Indeed, in the coming months, the majority of them would like to use click and collect (78%), contactless mobile payment (68%), when ordering and paying at the table (62%). Dematerialized tip is also attractive, with 45% of intentions to use.
“Mobile payment services follow the natural evolution of the adoption curve of new technologies. If they first attracted an informed public and early adopters, the health crisis and the acceleration of digital in the retail and catering sectors have made it possible to quickly turn a corner and democratize all innovations to the general public. Today, it has never been so easy and secure to pay for your purchases via their smartphone and more and more French people are letting themselves be seduced or projecting themselves into new uses. We are entering a new era,” says Christophe Dolique, CEO of Lyf.
“Among the sectors of activity in which we work, few are experiencing such strong and such changes. faster than mobile payment services. We carefully watch the evolution of perceptions, uses and intentions of use, at a sustained pace”,
testifies Clotilde Combe, Deputy Director of Department at OpinionWay.
About Lyf
Lyf is a French Fintech that simplifies payment and reinvents everyday shopping journeys. Its great Lyf Pay app brings simple, forward-thinking and secure mobile payment solutions to nearly 2.5 million of individuals.
Lyf supports major brands and independent professionals in the digitalization of their relationship customer, the fluidification and diversification of their purchasing journey.
Lyf is supported in its growth by leading shareholders in banking, payment and large distribution: BNP Paribas, Crédit Mutuel1, Auchan, the Casino group, Mastercard and Oney.