Masmovil and Llamaya add US roaming to prepay offer
Masmovil and its Llamaya brand have joined Vodafone as the only Spanish operators to offer free US roaming for their customers. Both Masmovil and Llamaya already included the option in their postpay rates, meaning customers pay no extra charges for calls, SMS and mobile data when visiting the US, and will be adding the service to their prepay offer from 24 March. Masmovil Llamaya US roaming
The move comes a couple of weeks after Masmovil simplified its prepay portfolio to a total of 13 tariffs, ranging from a plan with 150 minutes of calls and 3GB of data for EUR 5 to an unlimited calls with 20GB of data for EUR 10 or 30GB of data (up from the previous maximum of 8GB) for EUR 15.
While you are there you will not have extra costs for browsing, sending or receiving calls/SMS to numbers in countries within the EU or zone 1.
What are the limitations of European Economic Area/US roaming use? Masmovil Llamaya US roaming
You already know that your mobile rate is valid both in Spain and on your trips to any country of the European Union and associated countries. However, to prevent abuse, some rules are set that limit the very intensive or permanent use of roaming.
What is considered abusive use of roaming in the EEA?
According to European regulation, there are several types of use that are considered abusive and that imply an additional charge for the use of the mobile in roaming EEA (European Economic Area). Basically, you will be considered abusive if you meet the following condition:
Your consumption and your presence in roaming is prevalent over your consumption and national presence in the last four months.
For better understanding, your roaming usage in the EEA in the last four months is observed, and it is checked if the following two conditions are met simultaneously:
- The consumption of voice, data or SMS while roaming in the EEA is greater than the consumption in Spain.
- The number of days of exclusive presence in EEA roaming is greater than the number of days with presence in Spain.
Remember that we will never start applying additional roaming charges without first sending you a warning SMS. This surcharge will never apply to consumption made before this notice, it will only apply to future roaming use.
How do I know if I am roaming abusively in the EEA?
If we detect that your use of roaming in the European economic area violates MÁSMÓVIL’s reasonable use policy, according to regulations approved by the EU, we will send you an SMS notifying you.
From that moment on, you will have 2 weeks to change your usage pattern, that is, return to making reasonable use of EEE roaming. This means that in those 14 days after receiving the warning SMS, you must have had a greater presence and consumption in Spain than in EEA roaming.
- If your usage pattern in the 14 days has changed, you will receive an SMS confirming that you are still within a reasonable use of roaming, and therefore, you will continue to use your national roaming rate in the EEA.
- If not, you will receive another SMS alerting you to the start of additional charges for your roaming data usage. Your additional consumption will be billed as follows (VAT not included).
- €0.35 per additional MB
- €0.032 per minute of voice call made
- €0.01 per SMS
In other words, if after receiving this SMS, you continue consuming, you will begin to be charged.
- Some examples of data use:
- Check your facebook wall for 1 minute: 1 MB
- Share 3 photos on Instagram: 1MB
- A song on Spotify: between 2MB and 9MB
- Whastapp – 1 audio of 1 minute: 6 MB
When will I be able to use my EEA roaming rate again without additional charges?
At the beginning of each month, we will check your roaming usage pattern again, to check that it is no longer abusive, in which case, we will send you an SMS to notify you of the end of the extra charges. From that moment on, you can use your fare again in the EEA at no additional cost.
In the event that roaming consumption remains outside the reasonable use policy, surcharges will continue to be applied in the charging of data in roaming in the EEA.
When I have a roaming surcharge in the EEA, do I spend my national rate?
No. During the time that an extra cost is being applied to you for roaming in the EEA, due to abusive use, only what you consume in Spain will subtract from your national rate.
To enjoy calls, messages and internet on your mobile during the trip you must have roaming and data roaming activated.
Calling from the United States USA to countries outside the EU or zone 1 (such as Monaco or Switzerland) has a cost of €1,815/min for calls to countries in zone 2 and €3,146/min to countries in the zone 3, with a call establishment of €0.605 VAT incl. Masmovil Llamaya US roaming