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Lebara Spain doubles roaming data, launches new international plans

Lebara Spain (Masmovil) has announced that it’s doubling the mobile roaming data bundled with its ‘Todo en Uno’ plans for both new and existing users. lebara spain roaming
Under the terms of the promo, new subscribers or users who top up their Todo en Uno 10, 15, 20 or 40 plan before 30 June will receive a bonus 5GB, 12GB, 20GB and 40GB respectively for use over 28 days. In addition, anyone subscribed to the Todo en Uno, Mensual and Flexi tariffs can now make international calls to Brazilian, Chilean, Mexican and Peruvian mobile and fixed lines at no additional cost. lebara spain roaming

Lebara Spain improves its international services by including 12 new countries at no additional cost. Customers who have contracted the All-In-One, unlimited and Flexi rates can make International calls to more than 63 countries.

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Lebara is using the Vodafone network in Spain.

Lebara EU roaming – after Brexit lebara spain roaming

With Lebara, all plans include free EU roaming, which allows you to use your regular allowance within 40 European destinations at no additional cost.

You will be able to use your allowances as if you were at home, including data, minutes and texts.

Despite Brexit, Lebara does not have any plans to introduce EU roaming charges.

In accordance with the fair usage policy, your roaming usage cannot be greater than your average UK usage within a 120-day period. If Lebara believes you are exceeding the fair usage policy, you will receive a warning, followed by a surcharge:

  • 0.20p per MB
  • 0.04p per second for outgoing calls
  • 0.01p per second for incoming calls
  • 0.8p per SMS

The maximum amount you can be charged when roaming is £42 per month, after which your services will stop working until you contact Lebara or wait for the next monthly billing period.

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Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.