Beeline Kazakhstan business

Kar-Tel modifies roaming offer for businesses

Beeline Kazakhstan has modified the conditions of its Business Visa roaming service.
Postpaid business subscribers can get unlimited mobile data services in the CIS states, Georgia and Ukraine for KZT 2,000 per day. Beeline Kazakhstan business 
The services are available for KZT 2,500 per day in other states.


SIM card e SIM shop

“Business Visa S”

Unlimited Internet

  • In the CIS, Georgia and Ukraine for 2000 tons per day.
  • In foreign countries for 2500 tg per day.

The first 300 MB at max. speeds, then 64 Kb / sec at 0 tg / MB until the end of the day.


In the CIS, Georgia and Ukraine 30 minutes a day for 2000 tenge . Cost over the package – 70 tg / min.

In the far abroad 30 minutes a day for 2500 tg . Cost over a package – 100 tg / min.


In the CIS, Georgia and Ukraine – 70 tg / SMS.

In the far abroad – 100 tg / SMS.

“Business Visa L”


In the CIS, Georgia and Ukraine 600 MB per day for 2500 tg . Cost over the package – 5 tg / MB.

In foreign countries 600 MB per day for 3000 tg . Cost over the package – 5 tg / MB.

The service “Business Visa L” is ideal for demanding customers who need access to the Internet without slowing down over the package until the end of the day.


In the CIS, Georgia and Ukraine 60 minutes a day for 2500 tg . Cost over the package – 70 tg / min.

In the far abroad 60 minutes a day for 3000 tg . Cost over a package – 100 tg / min.


In the CIS, Georgia and Ukraine 30 SMS per day for 500 tg . Cost over the package – 70 tg / SMS.

In the far abroad 30 SMS per day for 600 tgCost over the package – 100 ng / SMS.


“Business Visa M” Beeline Kazakhstan business 

From February 12, 2019, standard roaming tariffs will be improved and by default unlimited Internet and minute packages identical to the “Business Visa S” service will be available to all customers.

In this regard, in order to improve the service, the service “Business Visa M” will be closed and the new standard tariffs will be the default. No additional action is required.

Countries of action

CIS, Georgia and Ukraine

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

Far abroad

Australia, Austria, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Vietnam, Germany, Hong Kong, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Israel, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cambodia, Canada, Qatar, Cyprus, China, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania , Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Taiwan, Thailand, Tanz Turkey, Philippines, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Estonia, South Africa, South Korea, Japan.

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.