Huawei revenue grew 13% to $64.90 bn in first half
Huawei announced its business results for the first half of 2020 today. The company generated CNY454 billion in revenue during this period, a 13.1% increase year-on-year, with a net profit margin of 9.2%. Huawei’s carrier, enterprise, and consumer businesses achieved CNY159.6 billion, CNY36.3 billion, and CNY255.8 billion in revenue, respectively. huawei revenue
As countries around the globe are grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, information and communications technologies (ICT) have become not only a crucial tool for combatting the virus, but also an engine for economic recovery. Huawei reiterated its commitment to working with carriers and industry partners to maintain stable network operations, accelerate digital transformation, and support efforts to contain local outbreaks and reopen local economies.
The complex external environment makes open collaboration and trust in global value chains more important than ever. Huawei has promised to continue fulfilling its obligations to customers and suppliers, and to survive, forge ahead, and contribute to the global digital economy and technological development, no matter what future challenges the company faces.
Huawei is the world’s biggest maker of telecom network equipment and the No. 2 manufacturer of smartphones.
United States in May banned Huawei from doing business with U.S. companies, preventing its access to technology like Google’s Android operating system. huawei revenue
The U.S. government alleges Huawei equipment pose national security risks because they could be used by the Chinese government to spy on users. Huawei has repeatedly denied its products are a security threat. huawei revenue