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GlocalMe portable WI-FI hotspot for your roaming needs

The GlocalMe is a mobile phone-sized device that enables you to have a WiFi hotspot on the go, with the added bonus of paying local rates when traveling internationally. It can be connected to 5 devices without using a SIM and works perfectly at 4G high speed. More about GlocalMe roaming below.

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In order to eliminate the soaring roaming costs when traveling abroad, uCloudlink has developed Cloud SIM technology which helps access different operators’ networks and gives people more freedom and effectiveness when moving from one country to another.

READ MORE: How free is free roaming?

The Cloud SIM technology, requiring no local SIM card to access the Internet, frees people from worrying about data while on the move, or sticking to dodgy hotel and cafe WiFi between meetings.

What does it look like?

Measuring 117mm x 63.8mm x 20.9mm, it’s a pretty chunky thing. It looks a bit like an older-generation iPhone, but twice the thickness, and fairly heavy at 224g (by comparison, an iPhone 6 weighs 129g).

Where can you use it? glocalme roaming

According to the manufacturers, it works in “100+ countries”, including all of the EU, holiday favourites like the US, Canada, Australia and Thailand, and some more surprising destinations such as Guam.

With roaming fees scrapped, it’s hard to see the need for a device such as this in Europe. Globally, however, it makes a little more sense. A 1GB worldwide package costs €29.90 and is valid for a year.