greece telecoms

Greece Telecoms

Greece’s telecom market is a Connected Player telecom market in Southern Europe with 3 Greece Telecom Companies and 16.2 million mobile connections. greece telecoms

Greece prices compared to those in the EU: According to the latest data from the European Commission’s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) report for 2020, Greece ranks 23rd out of 27 EU countries in terms of its overall digital performance, including connectivity, digital skills, use of digital technologies by businesses, and digital public services.

In terms of specific indicators related to telecom prices and affordability, the report states that the average revenue per mobile user (ARPU) in Greece was €10.5 per month in 2019, which is lower than the EU average of €15.3 per month. However, the report also notes that the cost of fixed broadband services in Greece remains relatively high, with the average price for a 100 Mbps connection at €42 per month, compared to the EU average of €33 per month.   greece telecoms

Greece Telecom regulatory authority: EETT

Greece Telecom Companies:


Vodafone-Panafon Hellenic Telecommunications Company S.A.

Wind Hellas Telecommunications Single Member S.A.

Which Greek mobile operator you would recommend to others?

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Greece’s well-developed mobile market is dominated by the three mobile network operators Wind Hellas, Vodafone Greece and Cosmote. Tariffs have fallen in recent years as a result of competition and regulatory mandated reductions in MTRs. Operators have invested in LTE infrastructure and technologies including carrier aggregation to provide networks capable of meeting customer demand for data services. This in turn is helping the operators to grow revenue and offset declining revenue from voice and SMS services. Wind Hellas and Vodafone have a mobile network sharing deal in place, and have also partnered to develop a large-scale fibre-based fixed-line NGN. gree ce telecom companies