Deutsche Bahn is testing new windows to improve mobile reception on trains
Finally, it is not unlikely that the conversation that just started will be interrupted again after a few seconds. Mobile radio reception by rail is still too incomplete.
“Even on main routes, radio coverage is not yet optimal,” says Karl-Peter Naumann, honorary chairman of the Pro Bahn passenger association. The reason for this is that Deutsche Bahn always refers to the infrastructure along the route: “Without a good and extensive network along the railway lines, good cell phone reception is not possible on the trains,” says the train. And the three mobile operators Telekom, Vodafone and Telefónica are responsible for the expansion of the network.
By the end of last year, at least all ICE routes in Germany should be provided with fast mobile communications, i.e. LTE. So the Federal Network Agency prescribed. However, the operators finally had to admit that they would not achieve this goal in time. At least Telekom had a network coverage of 96.4 percent, and Vodafone 95 percent. Telefónica customers have good reception on only around 80 percent of the ICE routes. Deutsche Bahn mobile
According to the German Railway Network, the windows are coated with special metal insulation. This can prevent the train from overheating while driving, but the insulation material can also ensure that the reception of mobile phones in the train is restricted because radio waves can only pass through metal insulation materials with difficulty.
Trains are now working on new glass panels that continue to protect from direct sunlight, but should not limit reception. This now makes it possible to laser treat the windows to make them more permeable to radio waves. However, it still depends largely on the provider to further expand the radio network. Because there is no radio antenna pole, there is no good reception. According to Bahn, neither repeaters or permeable panes will help.
Some edited windows have been used for testing purposes in various express trains. However, there is no formal start date for ratification. The company plans to wait for further tests, which will be completed later this year. Later, windows were used for local and long-distance traffic throughout the train. However, there is no exact date.