Data Roaming and how to avoid roaming costs
If you’re heading abroad soon and want to stay in touch with family and friends using WhatsApp or Messenger, upload holiday pics to Instagram, or keep track of the latest news, you’ll be doing what’s called data roaming.
Data roaming is the term used when you are using data on a mobile network abroad. You use data for anything that involves connecting to the internet, such as checking email, sending a tweet, updating Facebook, or using Google Maps.
In the past using data on your phone abroad meant if you weren’t careful, you could incur unexpected charges, however, in 2017 roaming charges were abolished within the European Union.
Going to the EU on holiday? You can Roam Like Home
If you are a European citizen, with Roam Like Home you can use your inclusive allowance to send texts, make calls, and use data in over 31 destinations. This means you can use your phone in the same way as you would at your home country and you won’t incur roaming charges.
It’s also free to receive calls and texts when you are visiting a Roam Like Home country.
Roam Like Home doesn’t include non-European countries like the US, Japan, and Australia, so if you are visiting one of these countries you can either turn data roaming off altogether or use it with caution.
Do I want data roaming on or off?
If you are going to a country that isn’t covered by Roam Like Home and are happy using wi-fi or don’t think you’ll use mobile data during the day, turn data roaming off.
- Android: Open Settings, look for Network & internet, click Mobile networks and flick the slider next to Roaming ‘On.’ The interface on Android devices varies between handset manufacturers, so if you can’t find it, search for ‘roaming’ or check the manufacturer’s website.
- iPhone: Turn off iPhone data roaming The screenshots refer to a US device, look for ‘Mobile Data’ instead of cellular.
Tips to reduce data use and avoid roaming costs:
- Take advantage of wi-fi: Wi-fi hotspots are readily available in hotels or coffee shops
- Turn off app updates: Apps like Instagram and WhatsApp stay up-to-date by updating in the background, which means your phone could be using data without realizing it. Head to the Settings menu, look for Updates and make are turned off or only happen when you are connected to a wi-fi hotspot
- Be careful how you use your phone: Avoid uploading or downloading large pictures or video files using mobile data, as these can quickly consume your allowance. Use wi-fi or download before you go. Likewise, be careful using Google Maps, which requires an active data connection.
- Keep an eye on how much data you use: Many phones let you set a data warning and will alert you when you are close to the usage limit
- Last but not least: You can be roaming worry-free with ALERTIFY SIM cards.
All of our cards are reusable. You can choose:
- Data packages: 1, 2, 4 or 10 GB Internet or even unlimited
- Credit validity: daily packages, 3, 7, 30 Days, or even packages with no expiration
- Particular countries, regions, or global SIM cards.