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Croatia leads Slovak Telekom’s country list for July data roaming

In June, Slovaks used the most roaming data in the traditional holiday destination of Croatia, while Austria led the rankings for roaming voice services and SMS, based on statistics from Slovak Telekom. slovak telekom data roaming

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In July, data roaming traffic in Croatia increased four-fold compared with June and by 70 percent compared with July 2017. The highest number of roaming minutes and messages was recorded in Austria.

In the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco and Andorra and the United Kingdom, you use T flat rates, YES and Happy flat rates, Mobile Internet and prepaid cards under the same conditions as in Slovakia: you draw free units without surcharges and pay them at home.

In specific cases, the operator may protect itself against roaming abuse and charge customers for calls, SMS or data transmitted in EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra and the United Kingdom. slovak telekom data roaming

Roaming surcharges valid from 1.1.2021 to 31.12.2021:

  • Calls – depart. calls 0.038 € / min.
  • Calls – incoming. calls 0.00912 € / min.
  • SMS 0.012 € / SMS MMS 0.0036 € / MMS
  • Data 0.0036 € / MB

Situations where Slovak Telekom charges roaming surcharges: slovak telekom data roaming

  1. The customer stays abroad for a long time:

    • The customer has spent more than 50% of his time in the last 4 months in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco and Andorra, while consuming more than 50% of minutes, SMS, MMS or data in these countries. slovak telekom data roaming
    • After 4 months, the customer will be notified by SMS. If the customer’s behavior does not change within 14 days of receiving the SMS message, he will be charged a roaming surcharge for his consumption, SMS, MMS or data.
    • Customer behavior is always evaluated in the previous 120 days. If a customer who pays a roaming surcharge returns to Slovakia and spends more than 50% of their time in Slovakia in the last 120 days and consumes more than 50% of minutes, SMS, MMS or data, Slovak Telekom will no longer charge him a roaming fee.
  2. The customer abroad transferred more data than the limit of correct use of services (FUP)

    • According to the EU regulation, the maximum monthly data volume (FUP) for transmission in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco and Andorra is calculated according to the formula: (flat rate price without VAT / 3) * 2 = volume GB.

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Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.