Cost of Broadband and Distrust Leads to Decline in Wi-Fi Sharing Among Brits
A new survey commissioned by ExpressVPN reveals fascinating insights into the Wi-Fi sharing habits of Brits. The survey found that despite the cost of living crisis, the majority of Brits are still unlikely to share their home Wi-Fi passwords with their neighbors. wifi sharing UK
63% of respondents said they would not provide the password to their home Wi-Fi network to those living close by, an increase from 56% in 2021. This reluctance to share access to home broadband reveals the prevalence of distrust amongst the British public, as well as the soaring costs of broadband packages.
Security and Data Concerns Lead to Reduced WiFi Sharing Between Neighbors
With the average household broadband bill now £37 per month, people view their Wi-Fi network as a valuable asset not to be freely shared. The survey found that for those who do share their Wi-Fi password, it is most common with family members who live outside the home. Only 15% of respondents said they had shared access with neighbors.
Of those unwilling to share their Wi-Fi network, the most common reasons given were security concerns (40%), wanting to avoid other people using up their data allowance (36%), and not feeling it is appropriate to share with people they do not know well (29%).
With the majority viewing their home Wi-Fi as off-limits to others, the survey indicates that the days of freely sharing Wi-Fi passwords with neighbors in a spirit of community are fading. Our digital lives may be more interconnected than ever, but the British public is increasingly protective of their home broadband access.
Households Protect Costly Broadband Access
The survey results show the lack of trust amongst neighbors, as well as the perception of Wi-Fi as a prized and paid-for utility not to be used by others without permission. With the average household having 13 internet-enabled devices, people want to avoid the potential for their data allowance being eaten up by others tapping into their network.
The findings reveal how the soaring cost of broadband deals and mobile data has changed attitudes toward sharing Wi-Fi access. People are less willing to leave their network open or give out their passwords in their neighborhoods.
With broadband packages more expensive than ever, the British public is understandably wary of others using up their precious data. The days of freely sharing Wi-Fi in a spirit of digital community and connectivity appear to be waning in the face of distrust and rising bills. wifi sharing UK