BH Telecom introduces new benefits for Travel package users
Travel package users will be able to connect to any network in the country where their use is enabled, unlike the existing restriction on use only in certain networks;
· The offer introduces two new Travel Balkan NET packages intended for mobile Internet use in Western Balkan countries (Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo).
In addition, since May 1 this year, the zonal division for roaming traffic is changing by moving Russia and Ukraine from Zone 5 to Zone 4, with cheaper traffic prices.
How to activate BH Telecom travel package bh telecom travel package
To activate a BH TeIecom travel package, customers can simply send an SMS with the code for the desired package to a designated number. The package will then be activated and the customer can start using the included data and minutes as soon as they arrive at their destination.
It’s worth noting that BH TeIecom travel packages are only available to BH TeIecom mobile customers, and that additional charges may apply if customers exceed the allotted data or minutes included in the package. Customers should also check to see if their destination is included in the list of countries covered by the package they are interested in before activating it.