![roaming data limit](https://alertify.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/roaming-data-limit.jpg)
BEREC Investigates Obstacles to M2M Roaming
Permanent roaming is increasingly important for many use cases of machine-to-machine (M2M)/Internet of Things (IoT) as many devices remain connected to a network outside of their home network/home country over an extended period. According to BEREC’s Work programme 2023, BEREC will investigate the developments in this regard by drafting a Report on M2M and permanent roaming.
BEREC plans to analyse M2M services that allow for roaming for ‘periodic travelling’ but also that rely on permanent roaming. BEREC will investigate potential obstacles for operators to negotiate (permanent) roaming agreements, whether they allow permanent roaming in their network for the provision of such services, and what pricing schemes are applied. As a first step, BEREC is launching this call for input.
Key Points BEREC M2M Roaming
- BEREC is concerned about the potential for obstacles to negotiating permanent roaming agreements for M2M services.
- The survey will gather information on whether mobile operators allow permanent roaming on their networks for M2M services and what kind of pricing is applied.
- The survey is open for public input until January 26, 2024.
Additional Information
- Permanent roaming allows M2M devices to remain connected to a network outside of their home network for an extended period of time.
- M2M services are becoming increasingly important as the Internet of Things (IoT) grows.
- BEREC hopes that the survey will help to identify and address any obstacles to the development of permanent roaming solutions for M2M services.
The questionnaire includes a set of common questions and contains sections for:
- access seekers (i.e. operators requesting wholesale roaming services in order to serve their customers using M2M devices outside of their home country) and
- access providers (i.e. mobile network operators (MNOs) serving as visited network operators for M2M devices used abroad).
The inputs received through this call for input as well as information from the BEREC Roaming Data Report will be used to carry out the analysis. A draft report for public consultation is planned for June 2024.
Deadline for submitting inputs: January 26, 2024, CoB.