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Ay Yildiz roaming

Ay Yildiz customers benefit from attractive roaming offers for the stay in Turkey

Ay Yildiz, Telefonica’s brand for the Turkish community in Germany, is releasing a new set of roaming and data packages that Ay Yildiz customers can book between 01 May and 30 September for their summer holidays in Turkey.
Ay Yildiz said all of its customers will be able to receive phone calls in Turkey at no extra charge thanks to these changes.

Incoming calls in Turkey for free

A highlight of the summer promotion is that incoming calls in Turkey are completely free for all Ay Yildiz customers during the promotional period . Thus, the users remain during the visit to Turkey at any time free of charge for family and friends. The adjustment is made automatically for all customers.

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For the first time, Ay Yildiz’s postpaid customers will also be able to secure the favorable conditions of the “Turkey Internet 1.5 GB” option for € 9.99 . This applies to customers with an Ay Allnet, Ay Allnet Plus or Ay Allnet Max contract. The option can be easily booked via SMS via the short code 80112 with the password “Turkey”. A re-booking of the option is possible after the 30-day term.

“Turkey Roaming” option for extra cheap calls

All prepaid customers of Ay Yildiz, who want to make calls particularly favorable during their Turkey-stay, can come up with the “Turkey roaming” option for only 5 euros a total of 60 free minutes for calls to all mobile and fixed networks within Turkey and for talks from Turkey to Germany. The option has a duration of 30 days and can be booked as often as you like. During the offer period, incoming calls will not reduce the inclusive minutes of the option. With the attractive roaming offers as part of this year’s summer campaign, Ay Yildiz also offers its customers limitless mobile freedom in Turkey.

About Ay Yildiz

AY YILDIZ was launched on October 17, 2005 as one of the first mobile phone brands in Germany to tailor its offering specifically to the needs of the German-Turkish community. Over the past 15 years, AY YILDIZ has continuously expanded its mobile phone offer for telephony and data use in Germany and Turkey. In addition, the brand has addressed important social issues for the German-Turkish target group through various marketing campaigns.

AY YILDIZ addresses the needs of the German-Turkish community
With its mobile phone products, AY YILDIZ forms a communicative bridge between Germany and Turkey. That’s why AY YILDIZ is basically bilingual – just like the team behind AY YILDIZ. The brand offers its customer service in both German and Turkish to ensure that all customers receive prompt and comprehensive assistance. All activities are bilingual. In addition to marketing its mobile phone services, AY YILDIZ is also aware of its social responsibility. As part of its award-winning marketing campaigns, AY YILDIZ repeatedly addresses topics that are of particular concern to the community, strengthens the feeling of togetherness, breaks down prejudices and promotes integration.
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