Average monthly bill per SIM is about €16

In contrast to the surge in traffic, income directly attributable to all of this consumption (181 million euros excluding VAT in the third quarter of 2017) is down 25.5% year-on-year.
Note: Roaming out is calls made abroad by operators’ customers’ French mobile. In income, only billed services are recorded, specifically, or beyond the fixed price, to the operator’s customers for roaming whatever the service (incoming and outgoing voice communications, messaging services,
Internet). Since 15 June 2017, operators have been obliged to apply national tariffs to their clients traveling within the European Union for calls made or received via mobile phone.
Average monthly consumption per mobile SIM card (excluding M2M)
Since the beginning of 2017, the average monthly bill per card has been at a level of 16 euros excluding taxes (15.9 euros excluding taxes in the third quarter of 2017). The amount of this average bill has virtually halved in ten years, with a marked decline during the period 2011-2013 (-2 to -3.5 euros excluding taxes in annual rate).
This trend slowed down thanks to a slower decline in mobile service prices and an increased number of plans marketed, whose average bill is three times higher than that of a prepaid card (17,6 € HT against 5,5 € HT per month). Over the last two years, the decline in the average bill has been less than one euro on an annual basis (-60 cents in the third quarter of 2017).
Mobile operators’ roaming-in traffic Average monthly bill france
Consumption of customers of foreign operators in France is increasing rapidly, favored in particular, international roaming tariff cuts and alignment since June 15 2017 on national pricing (see notes below). The annual rate of volume growth minutes of roaming in voice communications is thus almost twice as high as on
the previous five quarters (+ 45% versus + 20% to + 30%). The consumption of data is progressing even more rapidly, that of the third quarter of 2017 has almost been quadruple compared to the third quarter of 2016 (+ 270%). SMS consumption customers of foreign operators, which contracted since the end of 2015, is also up sharply in the third quarter of 2017 (+ 23.5% year-on-year).