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International Mobile Roaming Standard

Australia Reviews International Mobile Roaming Standard

The ACMA has completed a review of the International Mobile Roaming Standard (IMR Standard).

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The review found that the IMR Standard has been effective in reducing ‘bill shock’, with the number of complaints about IMR failing significantly. However, Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) data indicates complaints about IMR services have risen in recent years. While complaint numbers are still relatively low, the charges in dispute can be high, indicating that risks to consumers remain.

The review identified there was a need to retain IMR regulation, but that there were areas that could be improved to make regulation more flexible in light of changes to mobile phone use overseas. For example, the review concluded that it would be appropriate to allow providers flexibility in the wording used to advise consumers about maximum charges for IMR services, and how the information is delivered. The review also concluded that mobile network operators and mobile virtual network operators (resellers) should continue to provide information to consumers on their arrival in another country.

The minister has also agreed to an ACMA proposal to change the form of regulation from an industry standard to a service provider determination with a similar but more flexible set of rules. The change would allow the ACMA to more easily update the instrument.

The ACMA is liaising with the Department of Communications and the Arts on next steps and anticipates releasing a draft service provider determination for public consultation within the next few months. International Mobile Roaming Standard

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.