A1 Bulgaria adds US to VoLTE roaming map
A1 added a new destination where telecom customers can use the VoLTE roaming service. Starting today, all A1 subscribers with a compatible device who are roaming in the USA and using the AT&T network can make calls over the 4G/5G network. a1 volte roaming usa
A1 was the first telecom in the country to offer the Voice over LTE (“voice over LTE/4G”) roaming service at the end of last year. With it, the conversation takes place over a 4G or 5G network using data packages, which provide calls with crystal quality, faster connection and the possibility of simultaneous telephone calls and 4G/5G Internet access. Initially, VoLTE roaming was launched for customers who are roaming in Austria and using the A1 Austria network.
The launch of VoLTE roaming with AT&T USA will significantly improve the customer experience for A1 subscribers. For nearly a year, operators in the US have been gradually shutting down their 2G and 3G networks, with AT&T now offering only 4G/5G and, accordingly, voice services only through VoLTE. 2G can still be used on the T-Mobile network, but the quality of service and coverage over 2G is unsatisfactory.
This effectively means that VoLTE roaming becomes the primary way that customers roaming in the US can make phone calls. By the end of January 2023, A1 is expected to launch VoLTE roaming with T-Mobile USA as well.
The VoLTE service is available at no additional cost to all subscribers of the telco who have a compatible device and SIM card. It does not consume the included megabytes of the maximum speed of the plan and once activated in the smartphone settings, VoLTE works both in Bulgaria and in roaming, in the countries where the service is supported.
The telecom offers very favorable conditions for roaming in the USA and in more than 130 destinations around the world with the innovative tariff plan A1 Roaming Revolution. It divides the world into 5 zones, and in each of them, users get preferential opportunities for calls and using the mobile Internet. The USA falls into Zone 4, for which A1 offers 500 MB per day and calls to the EU and Great Britain for BGN 1.99 per minute against a daily rate of BGN 19.99.
Every A1 customer can see what roaming plan they are using and choose another one at any time from the My A1 application and its web version on A1.bg. a1 volte roaming usa