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Are you a Roamaphobe?

Roamaphobia is the irrational fear of using mobile phones while traveling and surfing on the go while overseas.


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It is not a simple rational choice and is a deep and emotionally charged fear of being  taken advantage of and ruining travellers holidays.

Smartphones have transformed our lives but have also made us reliant on them for staying in touch wherever we are.


DataRoaming can be used for a vast amount of information from letting families know that you are OK on arrival through instant messaging, to playing games on long bus trips and learning about local history; checking for last-minute local deals.

So you see, there are many benefits and reasons to stay connected to your mobile with DataRoaming plans.


Generically, Roamaphobia is exemplified by 4 Roamaphobia types:

Wi-Fi Hunter: Those who turn their holidays into a jungle hunt for free Wi-Fi
Café Dweller: Those who linger at a café forever just to use free Wi-Fi
SIM Swapper: Those who bring many overseas local SIM cards on holiday trips just to save a few bucks
Latergrammer: Those who only upload all the holiday photos as #latergram onto social media and flood their friends once they get back to the hotel (with free wi-fi/back home)

Three-quarters of holidaymakers said that because they don’t know how much they will be charged, they would rather turn off their phone or leave it at home.

If you are not sure what is the best roaming option for you, contact Alertify, a leading Roaming As A Service consulting service.