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Sao Tome and Principe

90% of Sao Tome and Principe population uses mobile phones

Around 90 percent of the population of Sao Tome and Principe uses mobile phones, with the fixed network registering a decreasing trend, while the coverage of internet services is 42 percent. sao tome and principe telecoms
Speaking to Lusa, Adelaide Faye, administrator of the Planning and Finance Directorate of the General Telecommunications Authority (AGER), explained that the data was collected from operators. Faye added that there are around 173,000 mobile telephony users.

Sao Tome and Principe telecom services

Sao Tome and Principe is a small island nation located off the west coast of Africa, and the telecommunications industry is still developing in the country.

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The main telecoms operator in Sao Tome and Principe is called Unitel STP, which provides mobile and fixed-line services to customers on the islands. The network coverage and quality of service can vary depending on the location and terrain, but generally, the main towns and cities have good network coverage, while rural areas may have limited coverage.

Unitel STP offers 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE mobile services, and customers can purchase prepaid SIM cards and data plans from their stores and authorized resellers. The company also provides fixed-line broadband services, but the coverage and availability of these services are limited.

Apart from Unitel STP, there are also a few other smaller telecom operators in the country, including CST (Companhia Santomense de Telecomunicações), which provides fixed-line and mobile services.

It is important to note that while Sao Tome and Principe is a popular tourist destination, the network coverage and quality of service may not be as reliable as in other countries, and visitors should be prepared for occasional service disruptions or slow speeds.

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