
7-Eleven Offers Free Delivery with 7NOW Promo Code

7-Eleven, Inc., the world’s largest convenience retailer, will offer free delivery with a purchase and promo code on all orders made through its 7NOW® delivery app, effective today through April 30. To activate free delivery, customers simply apply the promo code FREE4U upon checkout. 7now promo code

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The company’s delivery service offers a contactless delivery option where customers can indicate if they prefer their delivery “contactless,” meaning the delivery is left at the door by the driver.

7-Eleven is a neighborhood store known for convenience, and we believe it’s our responsibility to help shoppers get what they need, where, and when they need it, especially during this unprecedented pandemic,” said 7-Eleven President and Chief Executive Officer Joe DePinto. “As citizens do the right thing by social distancing, quarantining, or sheltering in place, we want to make it easy for them to access essential food and household items.”

The 7NOW delivery app is available in nearly 400 cities, giving approximately 35 million households in the United States access to over 3,000 items they may need during the pandemic. Products include grocery staples like milk and bread, over-the-counter medicine, household goods, a range of craveable food and beverage options like pizza and Slurpee® drinks, beer and wine in participating markets, and more. 7NOW orders are delivered in about 30 minutes; however, demand may impact delivery times.

Customers can place an order by downloading the 7NOW delivery app via the Apple App Store and Google Play or can place an order online. 7now promo code

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Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.