5G speed in main cities in Asia Pacific
Opensignal has conducted a comprehensive examination of the 5G Experience across 11 of the biggest cities in the Asia Pacific area. 5G is on track to give nationwide service and will eventually overtake 4G as the most used mobile technology. 5g asia pacific cities
However, for the time being, 5G excels in urban areas where operators have attempted to swiftly serve the largest number of users and have utilized new 5G mid-band spectrum to assist in relieving congestion on current 4G networks.
Users in Seoul experienced the fastest average 5G download speeds, which is perhaps not surprising considering South Korea’s dominance in this category in Opensignal most recent Benchmarking the Global 5G Experience update. They recorded 453.1 Mbps, which was 76.5 Mbps or 20.3% faster than the speeds seen in Kuala Lumpur, the second-fastest city. In relation to that, Kuala Lumpur had the fastest 5G upload speed for 5G consumers, at 52.8 Mbps, which was 12.2-13.7 Mbps faster than the speeds reported in Seoul (40.6 Mbps) and Taipei (52.8 Mbps) (39.1 Mbps).
Due to the unique market conditions associated with 5G in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur leads the list. The majority of the nation’s operators are not yet utilizing Digital Nasional Berhad, Malaysia’s national wholesale 5G network (DNB). Yes, the primary operator employing DNB, just just began operations. Before conducting a full commercial launch in late May 2022, Yes started with a soft launch in December 2021. The DNB is now functioning with significantly fewer customers and a lighter load than the majority of 5G city networks in the area.
In terms of the 5G experiences Asian 5G customers had when streaming mobile videos or playing multiplayer mobile games (5G Games Experience), Taipei and Auckland had the highest scores, statistically tied at 80 and 81.3 points on a scale of 100. Singapore performs well in 5G video streaming and 5G multiplayer gaming, coming in third place for 5G video experience in a statistical tie with Hong Kong and Seoul and taking first place in 5G games experience in a three-way statistical tie with Seoul and Jakarta. This indicates that the finest 5G gaming experiences for real-time multiplayer mobile games were had by players in Seoul, Singapore, and Jakarta.
The 5G experience has been the only thing Opensignal looked at up to this point, but in order for customers to be persuaded to adopt the new technology, 5G must perform better than what they have been able to with 4G. The average download speed of Kuala Lumpur residents increased significantly when they switched from 4G to 5G, despite the fact that 5G is still in its infancy in Malaysia. The city’s 5G Download Speed score is, in reality, an astounding 19 times higher than its 4G Download Speed score. The recent rollout of 5G in Malaysia and the DNB’s comparatively low utilization, as discussed above, are to blame for this once more.
The 5G Download Speed score of Metropolitan Manila, which was 7.3 times quicker than its typical 4G upload rates, puts it in second position. In terms of the enhancement in user experience for streaming mobile video, Metropolitan Manila consumers experienced the biggest improvements; their 5G Video Experience score of 71.6 was 54% higher than their 4G Video Experience. 5g asia pacific cities
These important Asian cities are undoubtedly in quite different stages of their 5G journeys. The experience of 5G users will vary as rollouts advance and user adoption rises, but not always in a straightforward way. Average speeds might decrease as a network’s user base grows and as new deployments are moved away from areas with the most traffic.
This is not a set rule because a lot also depends on how much and what kind of spectrum operators are employing for their 5G networks. The 5G experience for our users in these cities would be improved by expanding access to the 3.5 GHz band (or higher), moving away from 4G LTE and toward 5G standalone access, and introducing additional 5G iterations.
Do you have any experience with 5G in any of this countries?