3 Sweden must include zero-rated 3MusikSurf in Roam Like A Home
As a rule, an operator may not charge its customers any additional charges in addition to the national retail price for dialed or received calls, SMS or data services within the EU under the so-called Roam Like at Home principle. An end-user using his mobile phone in the EU can do it in the same way as at home.
Operator Three offers the 3Musiksurf service, which means that music flow data through some music streaming services is not counted against the volume of data included in the subscription. However, three limits the service to national use. If the service is used outside Sweden, data is counted from the data volume.
PTS has reviewed whether Threes’ limitation of, among other things, the music service is in accordance with the rules on so-called roaming.
Limitations not allowed 3 sweden roam
PTS first of all finds that the music service 3Musiksurf is part of the data service that is included in the subscription. This means that the music service is subject to the roaming rules.
PTS believes that it violates the rules to restrict the music service 3Musiksurf to being used only in Sweden. Therefore, PTS is now communicating a draft decision in which the Authority intends to impose three to terminate the limitation of the service.
Policy on normal use
In order to prevent abuse or abnormal use, operators have the opportunity to apply a so-called policy for normal use. This may include limiting the amount of services that consumers can enjoy at the same price as at home.