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virtual reality meetings

20% of company meetings will be via virtual or augmented reality by 2025

This forecast is from IDC, which expects a growing adoption of augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in companies, acknowledging that there is room for improvement and further development. Two years from now, in 2025, around 20% of collaborative business meetings will take place using AR or VR, as precursor technologies of the Metaverse. Find out more about virtual reality and business meetings of the future below.

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Who makes the prediction is IDC, which sees these solutions as strong contributions to the promotion of a new level of relationships in distance meetings, as they can provide greater proximity between remote participants. In the consultant’s view, one of the reasons for the growing adoption of these solutions will be the desire of companies to be “recognized as leaders of the technological vanguard” in a world where it is also anticipated that “talent will be increasingly difficult to attract.” Some companies will also see the adoption of these solutions as part of the path to the Metaverse.

The Metaverse: What it is and Why it Matters for Business

The Metaverse is a term used to describe a virtual shared space where users can interact with a computer-generated environment and with other users who are represented by avatars. It is a concept that has gained popularity recently due to the success of virtual worlds such as Second Life and games like Fortnite and Roblox.

The use of AR and VR in business meetings is not a new concept, but the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated their adoption as more companies have shifted to remote work.

The consultant recognizes, however, that hardware improvements are necessary to make it a less awkward experience in work meetings. The improvements must happen at the hardware level to allow more comfortable use of the equipment and to be able to capture something that is not possible today: facial expressions. Also, in terms of software and services, IDC highlights the need for further developments, stressing that the current offers in the three areas are “still not very advanced,” but without forgetting to mention that those who already use this technology immediately realize its potential for running meetings at a more advanced level.

virtual reality

Challenges and Opportunities of AR and Virtual Reality Technology in Business Meetings

Distinguishing between the two concepts, IDC points out that the main feature of AR lies in its ability to change the continuous perception of a real-world environment, superimposing digital elements on the real world. In turn, VR replaces the real-world environment with a simulated, three-dimensional, immersive environment. In common, the two technologies have shown great promise in training new employees, in retraining existing ones, and in creating opportunities for transferring knowledge between human resources.

The limitations of current AR and VR technology include issues with hardware, software, and services. For example, current VR headsets can be heavy and uncomfortable to wear for extended periods, and the quality of the graphics and user experience can vary widely depending on the hardware and software used. company meetings future

Despite the challenges, the potential benefits of AR and VR in business meetings are significant. They can improve collaboration, increase engagement, and reduce travel costs and environmental impact. As such, many companies are likely to continue investing in these technologies in the coming years.

Impact of AR and VR on Business Travel: Pros and Cons

The adoption of AR and VR in business meetings could have a significant impact on business travel. By enabling remote collaboration in a more immersive and engaging way, AR and VR technologies could reduce the need for some types of business travel, such as attending meetings or conferences in person. This could lead to cost savings for companies, as well as environmental benefits from reduced carbon emissions.

However, it’s important to note that AR and VR are not a complete substitute for in-person meetings, especially for certain types of business interactions that require physical presence, such as networking, site visits, and hands-on training. Additionally, not all employees may have access to the necessary technology or infrastructure to use AR and VR, which could create barriers to adoption.

Overall, while the adoption of AR and VR in business meetings may lead to some reduction in business travel, it is unlikely to completely eliminate the need for in-person interactions.

virtual reality meetings

Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.