Vodafone was the most complained-about broadband provider in the UK
Ofcom has published the latest figures for complaints they’ve received about the UK’s main landline, broadband, mobile, and pay-TV services. telecoms complaints UK
These figures cover the period from April to June 2023, and show that while the volume of complaints remained consistent with the previous quarter, there was a slight increase when compared to the same time last year.
Ofcom has highlighted the main trends from this quarter’s data:
- Vodafone was the most complained-about broadband provider, with a substantial rise in complaints from the previous quarter. Customers’ complaints were mainly driven by their experience with faults, service and getting services connected. Ofcom has engaged with Vodafone regarding their performance in this latest round of complaints data – they have been taking steps to identify and address the causes of these complaints and regulator would expect to see the results of this to show in the coming months.
- TalkTalk, Shell Energy and Virgin Media were the most complained-about landline providers. TalkTalk saw a small decrease, Shell Energy remained static and Virgin Media saw a small increase in their complaints since the previous quarter. Shell Energy’s complaints were mainly driven by customers’ experience with faults, service and getting services connected, while TalkTalk and Virgin’s complaints were mainly driven by how they handled customers’ complaints.
- Sky continued to generate the fewest complaints in both broadband and landline.
- BT Mobile was the most complained-about mobile operator, with customers primarily complaining about how their complaints were being handled and issues changing provider. Sky Mobile, EE and Tesco Mobile were the mobile providers who received the fewest complaints.
- BT and Virgin Media attracted the most complaints among pay-TV providers. BT’s complaints were mainly driven by customers’ experience with faults, service and getting services connected, while Virgin’s complaints were driven mainly by how customers’ complaints were handled. Sky received the fewest pay-TV complaints.
Commenting on the complaints data from this quarter, Fergal Farragher, Ofcom’s Consumer Protection Director, said:
“It is positive to see that overall, complaints volumes have remained consistent compared to the previous quarter. However, complaints are still slightly higher than they were in 2022, and this shows that providers still have work to do in improving customers’ experiences. We work alongside providers to help make sure they improve their performance and acknowledge Vodafone is taking steps to identify and address the increased volume of complaints during this period.”
Ofcom’s Role in Monitoring Customer Complaints and Provider Performance telecoms complaints UK
As the UK’s communications regulator, customers can complain to Ofcom about the telecoms and pay-TV services they use. While Ofcom doesn’t investigate individual complaints, this complaints data helps us to identify problems and enables regulator to take action against providers if necessary.
Compiling this data also helps us to understand the reasons for customers’ dissatisfaction across the sectors Ofcom regulates. To compare providers’ performance, every quarter regulator publish the number of complaints Ofcom has received about providers relative to the size of their customer bases – per 100,000 customers.
The charts below provide more detail on the complaints Ofcom has received.