Croatia SIM cards

Forget about roaming costs, forget about the hours spent desperately looking for free Wi-Fi connections. Choose best SIM card for your Croatia journey. This Croatia SIM card is reusable and can be recharged for any of 140 countries. No matter if your next travel is ni Asia, Europe or America. No contracts. No commitments. Reusable.
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croatia sim card 10 gb
Croatia SIM Card - Unlimited for 10 days (Croatia SIM Card - unlimited)
This SIM card includes unlimited internet for 10 days. When 10 days expire, surfing will be blocked.
SIM card will be activated when you send SMS or connect to internet.

The User may check the amount and validity of the plan by sending an SMS with the content STANJE to the number 13880. Number 13880 is free of charge.

The user has the option of activating the additional option of unlimited internet by sending an SMS with the content UNL to the number 13999, which is free of charge.
The option will be deactivated on the tenth (10th) day after activation and will not be automatically renewed. This option can be activated only once per user number at any time, even during the initial unlimited internet plan.

It is not possible to use roaming services with this SIM card (outside Croatia).
Croatia SIM Card - 10 GB for 30 days (Croatia SIM Card)
This SIM card includes 10 GB of data that the User can use within Croatia and 200 minutes towards all networks in Croatia. Packages are deactivated 30th days from the activation. It is not possible to use roaming services while on the Tariff. The balance and validity of the package can be verified: a) At application Telemach b) By sending SMS with keyword BALANCE to number 13880. Number 13880 is free of charge. The validity of the additional package is 30 days and it will not be automatically reactivated. The package can be activated only once per user number. The additional package is added to the basic package if the basic package is still active.
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