American Vacation Days

Half of Americans Won’t Use All Their Vacation Time This Year, Despite Having the Fewest Days Off

Let’s face it, Americans have a complex relationship with vacations. We dream of exotic locales, picture-perfect relaxation, and adventures that fill our soul’s cup. Yet, a surprising truth lurks beneath this veneer of wanderlust: we’re world champions at leaving vacation days unused. Yep, you read that right. American Vacation Days

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According to Expedia‘s 24th Annual Vacation Deprivation Report, a whopping 65% of U.S. workers feel vacation-deprived, and a staggering 53% don’t plan to use all their allotted time off this year. That translates to a mere 12 measly days for most, the fewest compared to the 11 countries surveyed.

Of the 53% of Americans who didn’t use all their time off last year, the top reason why was “life is too busy to plan or go on vacation.”

“We may not be able to control how many days off we get, but the research begs the question: What can we learn from other countries that will help Americans break this horrible habit of not using the time off we do have, said Melanie Fish, head of Expedia Group brands public relations. “In Japan, people take time off every month instead of just twice a year. For the French, not even a full month of vacation feels like enough time. Clearly there’s a lot for the U.S. to borrow from, whether it’s spreading your PTO throughout the year or prioritizing rest on your next vacation.”

Feeling the Burn? You’re Not Alone

This isn’t just an American phenomenon. The report reveals a global trend of rising vacation deprivation, with levels exceeding even pandemic highs. But wait, there’s a silver lining! While we might be lagging in taking time off, the world offers a treasure trove of travel tips and cultural attitudes towards vacation that can inspire a much-needed shift.

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Vacation Inspiration from Around the Globe American Vacation Days

Embracing the “Mini-Vacation” Mindset: A Lesson from Japan

Imagine this: instead of cramming all your relaxation into one or two lengthy vacations, what if you sprinkled shorter getaways throughout the year? That’s the philosophy behind the Japanese approach to time off. By taking frequent, rejuvenating mini-vacations, they prioritize relaxation and avoid burnout. Feeling overwhelmed? Channel your inner Japanese traveler and book a relaxing weekend escape closer to home.


Takeaways from the least vacation-deprived country in the world:

  • Make weekends count: Japanese respondents are seven times more likely to vacation monthly compared to U.S. workers (32% vs. 5%), despite only taking one additional day of PTO (12 vs. 11) annually. Their strategy: Take advantage of federal holidays or office and school closures to schedule frequent, short getaways that allow for a break from the routine and a quick refresh between longer trips, without dipping into precious PTO. American Vacation Days
  • Prioritize R&R: It’s tempting to pack as much as possible into a week away. Americans rank among the lowest in terms of prioritizing rest and relaxation during their trips (61%), while it’s the number one goal for 84% of Japanese travelers, perhaps contributing to lower feelings of deprivation.

No one vacations quite like the French, taking the most days off of any country globally. Here’s their formula:

  • Spread it out: Around one in five Americans (19%) didn’t use all their time off in 2023 because they were saving up for a big trip, then often end up leaving days unused. French respondents, on the other hand, tend to shy away from the “big trip,” with nearly a third (30%) opting to spread their days off evenly throughout the year instead. Taking the pressure off a big annual trip can be a time, money and PTO saver for deprived U.S. travelers.
  • Get some perspective. Despite having a month off annually, France still reports even higher levels of vacation deprivation (69%) than the U.S (65%). That’s because, overwhelmingly, French workers believe time off is a basic right (93% vs. 83% of U.S.) and that it’s critical to overall health and wellbeing (94% vs. 86%). The distinctly French emphasis on the fundamental right to rest is one to adopt everywhere. American Vacation Days

Other Time-Off Champions Around the World

  • Hong Kong was the only country where respondents didn’t leave vacation days unused but instead took more time off on average than they were allocated. Looking ahead, 15% vow to do it again in 2024 (highest globally).
    • Coming in as the most vacation-deprived nation this year (84%), German travelers are motivated to make a change and more determined than ever to use all their time off in 2024 (77% vs. 47% of U.S.).


The Art of Disconnecting: Learning from France

The French truly know how to vacation. They boast the most annual vacation days globally, clocking in a luxurious 29 days compared to our meager 12. But it’s not just the quantity; it’s the quality. French workers view vacations as a fundamental right, and there’s a strong cultural emphasis on complete disconnection from work. Can we emulate this dedication to rest and rejuvenation? Absolutely! Make a pact with yourself to truly switch off during your next getaway, savor the moment, and return feeling refreshed. American Vacation Days

Leave No Vacation Day Behind: The Hong Kong Hustle

Hong Kong throws a fascinating twist into the vacation equation. Believe it or not, survey respondents in Hong Kong actually take more time off than they’re allocated! Not only that but a whopping 15% plan to repeat this feat in 2024, the highest globally. This “vacation overachiever” mentality might not be practical for everyone, but it highlights a crucial point: prioritize using your hard-earned PTO.


Break the Cycle: Actionable Tips for Conquering Vacation Deprivation

Inspired by these global vacation gurus, here are some actionable tips to help you overcome vacation deprivation and finally use those precious days off:

  • Plan Ahead: Block out your vacation days on your calendar early in the year. Treat them like important appointments you can’t miss.
  • Embrace “Micro-Vacations”: Feeling burnt out? Plan a rejuvenating weekend getaway closer to home.
  • Negotiate Your Vacation Package: Some companies offer the option to buy or sell vacation days. Explore this possibility if it suits your situation.
  • Disconnect to Recharge: During your vacation, resist the urge to check work emails or answer calls. Focus on complete relaxation.
  • Book Your Dream Trip: Knowing you have a fantastic getaway on the horizon can be a powerful motivator to actually use your vacation days.

Expedia’s Summer Sale: Your Ally in Conquering Vacation Deprivation

Feeling overwhelmed by planning your next escape? Don’t sweat it! Expedia’s Summer Sale offers incredible deals on thousands of hotels, making that dream vacation a reality. One Key member can save a whopping 25% or more until July 14th, 2024. Let Expedia be your travel partner in conquering vacation deprivation and creating unforgettable memories.

So, what are you waiting for? Trade that feeling of vacation deprivation for the joy of a well-deserved getaway. The world awaits, and with a little planning and inspiration, you can make it yours! American Vacation Days

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Driven by wanderlust and a passion for tech, Sandra is the creative force behind Alertify. Love for exploration and discovery is what sparked the idea for Alertify, a product that likely combines Sandra’s technological expertise with the desire to simplify or enhance travel experiences in some way.