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a1 slovenia smart tourist insurance

A1 Slovenia launches Smart Tourist Insurance

The new service comes just in time for the summer holidays and offers A1 Slovenia subscribers an excellent companion on all holiday trips. With the Smart Tourist Insurance, which users can activate with a simple registration, wherever they are, preparations for departure will now be easier, and trips will be more peaceful. a1 slovenia smart tourist insurance

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The new tourist insurance will accompany users all over the world, and they will only pay for actual consumption, as the insurance is automatically activated when leaving Slovenia and deactivated when returning to the home network.

What does Smart Tourist Insurance cover?

The new insurance offer includes coverage of medical services abroad, including search, rescue and transport, transport and accommodation of an accompanying person and accident abroad. In addition, it also offers 24/7 emergency assistance for health problems and coverage of additional accommodation costs in case of flight cancellation. It also includes all free insurance coverage already included in A1 Slovenia mobile packages, such as theft or loss of luggage and personal documents, services in case of phone loss or theft, and damages for cases of personal liability in the amount of up to 50,000 euros.

High coverage at a low price

Upgrading to Smart Tourist Insurance brings high coverage at a low price, and A1 offers subscribers free insurance for the first three days after activation. Users can choose between individual insurance, for which they will only deduct 1.79 euros per day per person, and family insurance, which amounts to 3.59 euros per day and applies to two adults and four children. Smart travel insurance is also suitable as annual insurance, as use is free after 45 paid days. a1 slovenia smart tourist insurance

Insurance is provided by LAMIE Insurtech Group, one of Europe’s leading embedded insurance providers, offering support every day of the week. In the event of an accident, customers can apply for insurance with a simple call to the insurance company‘s assistance center.

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