A Chinese Gaming Company Used Drones To Form a Scannable QR Code in the Sky
Shanghai-based online entertainment company Bilibili has wowed people around the world with its latest marketing drive. Set in the Skies of Shanghai, Cygames and Bili Bili kick start their Commemorative Princess Connect Re:Dive Anniversary show by taking 1, 500 LED drones up the skies at dusk. QR Code in the Sky
The drones were equipped with LED lights and formed images depicting the characters and logo from the Japanese role-playing game Princess Connect! Re:Dive, before turning into a QR code that linked to the game’s landing page.
Chinese video-streaming company Bilibili staged the display over Shanghai’s waterfront to promote the first anniversary of the game’s release in China — an event that it also used a giant QR code to promote.
“When the game debuted in China a year ago, the company printed QR codes across Shanghai’s bus stop billboards and put up a giant QR code outside its own office building,” according to Vice magazine.
“The marketing stunt itself became the talk of the Chinese internet. In a comedy video by Bilibili, chief executive Chen Rui acted surprised by the massive QR code, after he ordered employees to come up with adverts that were big and camera friendly.”
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world’s largest QR code remains one that was also created in China and covered some 36,100 square metres of a wheat field in Hebei province in 2015. QR Code in the Sky